
Data Structure

The bedrock of all data structures, memory is the underlying concept that you absolutely need to know in order to understand why data structures work the way they do.

Bits and bytes may keep me up all night,

But memory will never ail me!

Key Terms


  • Short for binary digit, a bit is a fundamental units of information in Computer Science that represents a stat with one of two values typically 0 and 1.
  • Any data stored in a computer is, at the most basic level, represented in bits.


  • A group of eight bits For example 01101000 is a byte.
  • A single byte can represent up to 256 data values (2^8).

Since a binary number is a number expressed with only two symbols, like 0 and 1, a byte can effectively represent all of the numbers between 0 and 255, inclusive, in binary format.

1: 00000001

2: 00000010

3: 00000011

4: 00000100

Fixed-Width Integer

An integer represented by a fixed amount of bits. For example, a 32-bit integer is an integer represented by 32 bits (4 bytes), and a 64-bit integer is an integer represented by 64 bits (8 bytes).

The following is the 32-bit representation of the number 1, with clearly separated bytes:

00000000  00000000  00000000  00000001

The following is the 64-bit representation of the number 10, with clearly separated bytes:

00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000  00000000  00001010

Regardless of how large an integer is, its fixed-width-integer representation is, by definition, made up of a constant number of bits.

It follows that, regardless of how large an integer is, an operation performed on its fixed-width-integer representation consists of a constant number of bit manipulations, since the integer is made up of a fixed number of bits.


Broadly speaking, memory is the foundational layer of computing, where all data is stored.

In the context of coding interviews, it's important to note the following points:

  • Data stored in memory is stored in bytes and, by extension, bits.
  • Bytes in memory can "point" to other bytes in memory, so as to store references to other data.
  • The amount of memory that a machine has is bounded, making it valuable to limit how much memory an algorithm takes up.
  • Accessing a byte or a fixed number of bytes (like 4 bytes or 8 bytes in the case of 32-bit and 64-bit integers) is an elementary operation, which can be loosely treated as a single unit of operational work.